Fusion Handles is another training program that has been popular nowadays among people who are trying to find the best way to enhance their vertical jumping ability. However, what is exactly this program? This program is a new vertical jump training system that is developed by Adam Folker and his friend Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington. This training program is particularly made to assist athletes improve their vertical in such quick way. The program guarantees you to enhance your vertical by 9 to 15 inches within 8 weeks of course only. It is such a big deal, isn’t it?
At first, you might find it difficult to believe this magical solution, but after you try it, you will find why this stuff is different with other training system promising big deal. This training is actually not for them who play basketball professionally only, but also to other people seeking for the way to improve their athletic ability. This Fusion Handles is good for someone who plays baseball, football, volleyball as well as for high jumpers and more. This program will teach us about any secret that is necessary to improve our vertical quickly. And the best is that it comes with easy step-by-step guidance.
This training system will be delivered in three phases and all the information comes in software form with videos and guides for the users. In the first phase that is called Pre-Shock, you will be guided to get your body ready for training and in this stage, it is possible for you to increase 3 to 5 inches of vertical jumping. The second phase is Shock-Phase that is full 6 week phase to create high explosive leaps. The third phase is Post-Shock that is for sealing your newly obtained gains. Aside all of these facts, Fusion Handles is certainly recommended for you.